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19 de Marzo, día mundial del sueño.

March 19, World Sleep Day.

World Sleep Day is celebrated on the Friday before the March equinox, a date of great relevance for everyone, as it aims to raise awareness among the population about how...

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Las tallas y los estereotipos de la moda

Sizes and fashion stereotypes

Fashion has historically been an industry that has perpetuated body stereotypes. From size zero to imposed beauty stereotypes, the fashion industry has been responsible for making many people feel excluded...

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El poder de la sal de mar

The power of sea salt

¨If there is magic on this planet, it is contained in a drop of water¨ This powerful phrase was written by the anthropologist, writer, environmentalist and poet Loran Eisely. Who...

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Junio color Frambuesa

Raspberry June

The raspberry color is a color inspired by the freshness of summer, the acidic and sweet flavors and the energy of life and the world around us. For us it...

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