The discovery of my inner beast was born as a result of the pandemic just when the “quarantine” had already passed for much of the 40 days, I noticed that my clothes for going out had been in the same place for months, because I practically spent it in pajamas and clothes watery. This led me to not find any purpose for my passion (fashion), consequently feeling a huge existential crisis. This crisis was accompanied by extra kilos, little rest, work and emotional instability, plus all the pandemic trips.
The feeling of admiration that I once felt for many brands changed considerably during this time, upon learning about their terrible practices. Reading so much about the industry is tiring, and it hurts because it has an extremely raw and cold side. While I was dealing with a thousand issues in my head, in therapy and trying new methods to try to have peace of mind, Daniela and Ale were already cooking a sleeping brand <3, due to their disagreement.
In this part of my life, I just wanted to feel passionate again doing something incredible, I wanted to feel peace of mind too, so I tried many new things from aromatherapy, trying to grow a garden, painting, drinking green juices, writing, meditating, etc. general activities that did not involve the topic of fashion at all. I started to feel much better and decided to push myself to have 2 garments made, which I had already started and never finished. While these were being made up, I thought that this had been a good exercise to dust myself off, and I immediately began to imagine what I really needed and I arrived at a strange mixture of comfort and laziness, I needed loose clothes for sleeping and for being at home but that They looked cute, in case one day I didn't feel like taking a bath, I could attend a team meeting without literally seeing myself in my pajamas, or in case I received something online, I wouldn't have to change my clothes because I felt that bad trip of being “very naked.”
After a few months, my first friend from UDEM, Daniela Graza, whom I admire and adore very much, wrote to me to talk and the reality is that she presented me with the pitch of the brand to convince me to become partners along with her sister, Ale. , another beast to admire. While I explained it, I completed the project more with personal experiences and ideas. When I hung up the call, in my head, I felt like I had already been working on this project without knowing it yet, I didn't know that a lot of what I was experiencing and reading was going to end up fitting perfectly into Sleeping Beast.
In the process of this purely introspective search, I discovered that feeling good had EVERYTHING to do with my rest, so I decided to make that comfortable collection that I once imagined for myself and my friends a reality <3. I discovered that colors, cuts, textures and aromas helped me reach this state of peace of mind more easily. I understood that taking care of my rest is taking care of myself, in mind, body and soul, and in pandemic times balance is key to complete well-being.
Alex Gomez
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